Library build dependencies


For the current version of Akka and its libraries, please refer to Akka module versions.

Akka is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1, for licensing please see Akka / Pricing.

Fortify SCA for Scala

Fortify SCA is a product from Micro Focus that scans source code to find security issues early in the development cycle. Lightbend provides Fortify SCA for Scala, a Scala compiler plugin that allows Fortify SCA to analyze Scala code.

  "com.lightbend" % "scala-fortify" % "1.0.25"
    cross CrossVersion.patch)


Lightbend Telemetry provides a view into the distributed applications at runtime. This view allows developers and operations to respond quickly to problems, track down unexpected behavior and tune the system.

For Telemetry versions compatible with the Akka release lines, please refer to Akka Insights in the listing of current versions.

Akka Insights is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1, for licensing please see Akka / Pricing.