
Paradox is configured with sbt settings.

TBD - explain main settings here


It is possible to add one or more overlays to a paradox project. Their location can be defined at build level and is applied to all configurations in the project unless we overwrite it for a particular configuration.

val DocsFirst = config("docs-first")
val DocsSecond = config("docs-second")

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    name := "Paradox Project",
    paradoxTheme := Some(builtinParadoxTheme("generic")),
    paradoxOverlayDirectories := Seq(baseDirectory.value / "src" / "docs-common"),
    paradoxOverlayDirectories in DocsFirst := Seq(baseDirectory.value / "src" / "docs-first-common", baseDirectory.value / "src" / "docs-second-common")

Markdown source files from the overlay directories are merged with the ones in the main project directory and are generated as if they were part of this latest. If a file duplicate exist between the directories, the overlay file is dropped in favour of the main directory file.

Multi Configuration

By default, Paradox expects documentation source files in the src/main/paradox directory. For situations where different parts of the documentation are stored separately, Paradox supports custom sbt configuration scopes. Each custom configuration source files are by default located in the src/<config-name>/paradox directory. The target directory is defined as target/paradox/site/<config-name>. Here <config-name> corresponds to of a particular configuration.

To associate a configuration to paradox, manually add settings from ParadoxPlugin.paradoxSettings, and change its default source and/or target directories if needed:

val SomeConfig = config("some-config")

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    paradoxTheme = Some(builtinParadoxTheme("generic")),
    sourceDirectory in SomeConfig := baseDirectory.value / "src" / "configuration-source-directory",
    (target in paradox) in SomeConfig := baseDirectory.value / "paradox" / "site" / "configuration-target-directory"

Now, to run paradox for custom configuration execute sbt someConfig:paradox. It is still possible to run paradox for the main configuration the usual way sbt paradox.

Version warning

Paradox supports showing a warning when users browse documentation which is not the current released version. This is achieved by storing a JSON file (paradox.json) together with the generated site and specifying a stable URL to where the released version will be available.

The built in theme (generic) contains Javascript to fetch the JSON file and compare the version with the version for which the documentation showing was generated. Whenever they differ, a warning text shows on every page offering a link to the released version’s page.

To use this functionality, make project.url point to a URL where the current version will be deployed. It defaults to the sbt homepage setting. Make sure homepage contains something useful.

To set a URL different from homepage, add project.url to Paradox properties

paradoxProperties += ("project.url" -> "")

Canonical URL

The built-in theme (generic) will add a <link rel="canonical" href=... page header using the sbt homepage setting. Make sure homepage contains something useful.

To set a URL different from homepage, add canonical.base_url to Paradox properties

paradoxProperties += ("canonical.base_url" -> "")

HTML description tag

Most Paradox themes create the html tag <meta name="description" content= with text from the sbt description setting. Make sure to set in or overwrite it project-wide with

paradoxProperties += ("project.description" -> "A useful description text for search engines to contemplate")

You may set a page specific description by adding it to the Front matter like this

project.description: This page is very useful for whatever you want to know.

Illegal link pattern

Paradox fails for regular markdown links which seem to link to a local markdown file (.md), as the @ref directive is often left out. This check is controlled by the regex in paradoxIllegalLinkPath.

paradoxIllegalLinkPath := raw".*\.md".r

The exact default pattern is

The source code for this page can be found here.