
This section contains an overview of the features available in Lightbend Telemetry.

Supported versions are for Akka 23.10:

  • Java 11 and 17
  • Scala 2.13 and 3.3
  • Akka 2.9
  • Akka HTTP 10.6
  • Akka gRPC 2.4
  • Akka Projections 1.5
  • Alpakka Kafka 5

See below for detailed information about the support.

Akka related information

Lightbend Telemetry captures a plentitude of actor related information such as mailbox size, time in mailbox, message processing time, stash size, unhandled messages, deadletters, to name a few.

More information about the Akka related metrics and events that Lightbend Telemetry supports can be found in the tables below.

Actor metrics

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Mailbox size Recorder
Mailbox time Recorder
Processed msg Rate
Processing time Recorder
Running actors Counter
Sent msg Rate
Stash size Rate

Router metrics

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Processed msg Rate
Processing time Recorder

Actor events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Failure (exception)
Log error
Log warning
Unhandled msg

Remote actor metrics

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Deserialization time Recorder
Phi accrual value GaugeDouble
Phi accrual threshold value GaugeDouble
Received msg Rate
Received msg size Recorder
Sent msg Rate
Sent msg size Recorder
Serialization time Recorder

Remote actor events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Large msg received
Large msg sent
Node quarantined

Cluster related events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Current cluster state event
Domain event
Member event
Singleton event
Shard region event
Event Type Akka 2.9
Node unable to join

Cluster related metrics

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Shard region delivered messages Rate
Shards regions per node Gauge
Shards per shard region Gauge
Shards entities per shard Gauge
Reachable nodes Counter
Unreachable nodes Counter

Split Brain Resolver events

Event Type Akka 2.9
SBR event

Ask Pattern

Ask Pattern metrics

Some Ask Pattern metrics (marked with *) support opt-in automatic dimensions. It allows to collect metrics by the message type. In order to enable it see the Ask Pattern message type dimensions.

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Asked requests* Rate
Expired requests* Rate
Expired requests by-timeout Rate
Success response time* Recorder
Late response time* Recorder

Ask Pattern events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Request failed
Request expired

Akka Persistence metrics

Metrics generated related to Akka Persistence. RecoveryPermitter is an internal Akka actor that keeps track of the number of recovery permits available, for more information see Recovery.

Some Akka Persistence metrics (marked with *) support opt-in automatic dimensions. It allows to collect metrics by the command type and by the event type depending on the metric. In order to enable it see the Akka Persistence automatic dimensions.

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Active entities Gauge
Received commands* Gauge
Persistence command time in stash* Recorder
Persistence command processing time* Recorder
Persistence recovery time Recorder
Persistence recovery failure time Recorder
Persisted events* Gauge
Persistence event time* Recorder
RecoveryPermitter used permits Recorder
RecoveryPermitter pending actors Recorder
RecoveryPermitter max permits value Gauge

Akka Persistence events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Persistence recovery failure
Persistence persist failure
Persistence persist rejection

Akka Projection metrics

Metrics generated related to Akka Projection.

Metric Type Akka Projection 1.5
Active projections Gauge
Processed envelopes Gauge
Offsets committed Gauge
Wait time Recorder
Service time Recorder
Residence time Recorder

Akka Projection events

Event Type Akka Projection 1.5
Processing error
Projection failure

Akka Stream metrics (core)

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Running streams Counter
Running operators per stream Counter
Running operators Counter
Stream throughput Rate
Operator throughput Rate
Operator processing time Recorder

Akka Stream events

Event Type Akka 2.9
Operator failure event

Akka Stream metrics (extended)

Metric Type Akka 2.9
Stream flow time Recorder
Stream flow active time Recorder
Stream flow efficiency Recorder
Operator flow time Recorder
Operator latency Recorder
Operator demand Rate
Operator demand processing time Recorder
Operator demand latency Recorder
Connection throughput Rate
Connection processing time Recorder
Connection latency Recorder
Connection demand Rate
Connection demand processing time Recorder
Connection demand latency Recorder

Akka HTTP server metrics

The following metrics are per Akka HTTP server. There can be multiple servers running in one JVM.

Metric Type Akka HTTP 10.6
Connections Rate
Requests Rate
Responses Rate
Responses 2xx Rate
Responses 3xx Rate
Responses 4xx Rate
Responses 5xx Rate
Response time Recorder
Response time 2xx Recorder
Response time 3xx Recorder
Response time 4xx Recorder
Response time 5xx Recorder

Akka HTTP server endpoint metrics

The following metrics are per endpoint and server. An endpoint corresponds to a URI, e.g. /users or /account.

Metric Type Akka HTTP 10.6
Endpoint responses Rate
Endpoint response time Recorder

Akka Http client metrics

The following metrics are per Akka Http client.

Metric Type Akka HTTP 10.6
Client requests Rate
Client service response time Recorder

Scala Future metrics

Metric Type Scala 2.13.x Scala 3.3.x
Created futures Rate
Completing time Recorder
Scheduled futures Recorder
Scheduling time Recorder
Processed futures Rate
Processing time Recorder

Java Future metrics

Metric Type Java 11 Java 17
Created futures Rate
Completing time Recorder
Scheduled futures Recorder
Scheduling time Recorder
Processed futures Rate
Processing time Recorder